Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Room 203 News....

We have been busy learning this week! In Math we have been working on area. On Tuesday we started Flexible Math Groups. We traveled to other 3rd grade teacher’s classrooms to learn about Area. In Music we are watching a movie called Music Man. In P.E. we are practicing chasing and fleeing. In Writer’s Workshop we are working on Essays. We are living with our eyes open and noticing and observing things that might spark an idea to write an essay about. In Social Studies we are becoming experts on the Southeast region. We finished up our regions project by learning the different landforms, the climate, the natural resources, and we learned all about the states in the Southeast region. We wrote out scripts & will be recording our movie to teach the other 3rd grade classes about the Southeast. We started our Great State Reports! Each of us are studying a state in the Southeast regions and learning all about it! Our Word Wall words the past two weeks have had prefixes and suffixes. We learned an awesome song about where prefixes go (at the beginning of a word, UP FRONT) and how they change the meaning of a word. In Reader’s Workshop we have been working on questioning. Good readers always ask questions, so we have been working on finding the answers to the 5 big questions: WHO is the main character?, WHAT is the problem?, WHY is it a problem?, WHEN/WHERE did the story take place?, HOW is the problem solved?

We started working with our 3rd grade ONLINE buddies who go to school in Mount Prospect, Il. We started by emailing them some questions & we are writing a winter story together using Google Docs.

Speedy is going home with Natalie this weekend! Don’t forget…next Friday is Polar Express Day! Remember to wear your pajamas!

Friday, December 11, 2009

It's Been Awhile.......

WOW, it’s been a long time since we’ve written in our blog! We have been busy learning in Room 203!

This week in P.E. we are learning about basketball. We are learning to pass the ball with the palms of our hands facing out. We are also doing stations with basketball, which are great. We are also learning how to shoot the ball in the hoop, which can be hard at times. In Math we are learning about place value. We are using bits and skinny pieces to show different ways to represent a number. We did Math Centers this week, using the laptops, our classroom economy checks, number puzzles, and subtraction flashcards. In Music we are learning our songs for the Veterans Day Assembly. In Social Studies we are continuing to learn about landforms. We found some of the important landforms of our country, like Mount Saint Helens, which is a volcano, the islands of Hawaii, Washington D.C., which is our nation’s capital, the Appalachian and Rocky mountains, The Grand Canyon, and the Mississippi River. We used candy to show where these things are on a map of the USA. Check out our website for pictures! ☺ In Art we are having a Veterans Contest. We are coloring pictures of liberty guards. The winning picture will win a $50 savings bond from the veterans. In Reader’s Workshop this week we have been working on character traits. We read the story I Hate English! and wrote down character traits that describe the main character, Mei Mei. We practiced identifying character traits in our own books. In Writer’s Workshop we have been working on using the timeline strategy to put our events of our story in order. It’s publishing time again, so we are working on developing a seed story & making it our best! We are really working on finding the heart of the story, which is the most important part for the reader, and developing it. We will be having our publishing party next week! This weekend, Speedy will be staying at Mateusz’ house. REMEMBER: NO SCHOOL MONDAY! (Teacher Institute Day). Today, the 4th graders from Washington School are coming back to Kennedy for an ice cream party! The 3rd grade teachers will get to celebrate with their students from last year & congratulate them on a job well done on the ISAT test! ☺